瑞典山高刀具公司(Seco Tools AB)生产的硬质合金刀具可追溯至20世纪30年代,至今SECO刀具已发展成一个全球领先的车削,铣削,螺纹加工,钻削,铰削,镗削刀具以及刀柄系统的制造商.
瑞典山高刀具公司(Seco Tools AB)是全球四大硬质合金刀具制造商之一,在瑞典斯德哥尔摩证交所上市。山高刀具(Seco Tools)公司集研发、生产和销售金属加工用各类硬质合金刀具为一体,产品广泛应用于汽车、航空航天、发电设备、模具、机械制造等行业,在全球市场享有盛名,被誉为“铣削之王”。
山高(Seco Tools)中国总部位于上海,并在北京、沈阳、西安、重庆、武汉、深圳等地设有分公司,销售网络遍布全中国。
山高刀具(Seco Tools)不仅能为客户提供系列齐全的刀具产品,更致力于成为客户可信赖的合作伙伴,为客户提供完整的解决方案,提高客户的竞争力。
山高刀具(Seco Tools)积极致力于为您的金属切削加工提高生产率与竞争力。
Seco is one of the world’s largest providers of comprehensive metal cutting solutions for milling, stationary tools, holemaking and tooling systems. For over 80 years, we have been more than just a cutting tool provider. We develop and supply the technologies, processes and supports that manufacturers depend on to maximize productivity and profitability.
Headquartered in Fagersta, Sweden, Seco is present in more than 70 countries via nearly 5,000 team members. All Seco employees across the globe share a family spirit, along with a passion for our customers and personal commitment to ensuring their success.
Seco employees take a practical approach to applying high levels of metal cutting competence to overcoming customers’ challenges. Relationships built on trust and respect are vital to our success. We work closely with customers to understand their needs. We undertake cooperative ventures with universities and industry associations to monitor trends and develop solutions that meet the needs of unique segments. We partner closely with providers of complementary technologies to ensure manufacturers have access to comprehensively optimized solutions.
Seco is part of Sandvik Machining Solutions, the tooling business area of the Sandvik Group. For more in-depth information on any particular area of our company, please explore our site or use the contact us section to reach out to our team directly.
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